Explore Kenya's vast national parks such as Lake Nakuru, the famous Maasai Mara and the well-known 'red' elephants in the Tsavo National Park. After a few days of waking up …

Geochronology of the Nabwal Hills: a record of earliest magmatism in the northern Kenyan Rift Valley. IAN McDOUGALL and RONALD T. WATKINS. Geological Magazine. Published online: 28 October 2005. Article. Gombe Group basalts and initiation of Pliocene deposition in the Turkana depression, northern Kenya and southern Ethiopia.
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2. Turkana. Remote, inhospitable and historically drought-stricken, Turkana looks like a vast empty area on the map of Kenya, but it's a big draw for adventurers who thrive on challenge. Although the region has an airport, the thrill is in driving, which requires a reliable 4x4 to maneuver the craggy roads. Given how hot and arid the region ...
Des mines du Kenya où se cache la Tsavorite, jusqu'aux salles de ventes prestigieuses où transitent les plus belles pierres du monde, en passant par les ateliers de fabrication, pendant plus de 6 mois, les caméras de « Grands Reportages » ont suivi des passionnés dans leurs fabuleuses quêtes de pierres précieuses et de bijoux.
Turkana County is loed in northern Kenya about 700km from the capital, Nairobi. Its inhabitants, popularly called the "Turkana Tribe", live in one of the most inhospitable places on earth with the likelihood of daytime temperature climbing to about 45 degrees celsius and black volcanic rocks littering the ground.
Turkana, a people living in the arid, sandy expanse of northwestern Kenya, from Lake Rudolf (Lake Turkana) to the Ugandan border. The Turkana speak an Eastern Nilotic language of the Nilo-Saharan language family. Their language closely resembles that of the Teso.They apparently moved to their present lands about 200 years ago from an area …
Welcome to ! Turkana County highlights some background info on Kenya's second largest province, including a soft copy of the brand new Tourist Map! Experience Turkana gives an overview of Turkana County's five major tourism pillars. Attractions helps you planing your Turkana trip by describing the three tourism ...
Quelle pierre précieuse représente le Kenya ? Le grenat tsavorite a été découvert à la frontière Kenya/Tanzanie il y a un peu plus de 50 ans et porte le nom du parc national de Tsavo au Kenya. L'histoire de sa découverte révèle le monde romantique, tragique, passionnant et souvent dangereux de l'extraction de pierres précieuses ...